
Monophyodont Mon`o*phy"o*dont, a. [Gr. mo`nos single (mo`nos alone + ? to produce) + 'odoy`s, 'odo`ntos, a tooth.] (Anat.) Having but one set of teeth; -- opposed to {diphyodont}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • monophyodont — Having one set of teeth only; without deciduous dentition. [mono + G. phyo, to grow, + odous (odont ), tooth] * * * mono·phy·odont fī ə .dänt adj having but one set of teeth of which none are replaced at a later stage of growth compare DIPHYODONT …   Medical dictionary

  • Monophyodont — Mo|no|phy|o|dọnt, der; en, en [zu griech. monophye̅s = einmal wachsend u. odoús (Gen.: odóntos) = Zahn] (Biol.): Säugetier, bei dem kein Zahnwechsel stattfindet …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Monophyodont — Mo|no|phy|o|dont der; en, en <zu gr. monophye̅s »einmal wachsend« u. odoús, Gen. odóntos »Zahn«> Säugetier, bei dem kein Zahnwechsel stattfindet (Biol.) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • monophyodont — mono·phy·odont …   English syllables

  • monophyodont — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|fīəˌdänt adjective Etymology: Greek monophyēs single (from mon + phyēs, from phyein to bring forth) + odont , odous tooth more at be, tooth : having but one set of teeth of which none are replaced at a later stage of growth opposed to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • diphyodont — Possessing two sets of teeth, as occurs in humans and most other mammals. [G. di , two, + phyo, to produce, + odous (odont ), tooth] * * * di·phy·odont ( )dī fī ə .dänt adj marked by the successive development of deciduous and permanent sets of… …   Medical dictionary

  • polyphyodont — Having several sets of teeth formed in succession throughout life. [poly + G. phyo, to produce, + odous (odont ), tooth] * * * poly·phy·odont .päl i fī ə .dänt adj having several or many sets of teeth in succession compare DIPHYODONT, MONOPHYODON …   Medical dictionary

  • Diphyodont — Diph y*o*dont, a. [Gr. ? double (di = di s twice + ? to produce) + odoy s, odo ntos, tooth.] (Anat.) Having two successive sets of teeth (deciduous and permanent), one succeeding the other; as, a diphyodont mammal; diphyodont dentition; opposed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Dentition — Cast of a human upper jaw showing incisors, canines, premolars, and 2 out of 3 sets of molars. Dentition pertains to the development of teeth and their arrangement in the mouth. In particular, the characteristic arrangement, kind, and number of… …   Wikipedia

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